
Thomas Gray

William Collins

William Wordsworth (Surprised by Joy)

William Wordsworth (Mutability)

Walter Savage Landor

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Percy Bysshe Shelley

John Keats

Robert Browning

George Meredith

Thomas Hardy

William Butler Yeats

Robert Frost (Putting in the Seed)

Robert Frost (Two Tramps in Mud Time)

Ezra Pound

Robinson Jeffers

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Jorge Luis Borges

Karl Shapiro

Richard Wilbur


From low to high doth dissolution climb,
And sink from high to low, along a scale
Of awful notes, whose concord shall not fail;
A musical but melancholy chime,
Which they can hear who meddle not with crime,
Nor avarice, nor over-anxious care.
Truth fails not; but her outward forms that bear
The longest date do melt like frosty rime,
That in the morning whitened hill and plain
And is no more; drop like the tower sublime
Of yesterday, which royally did wear
His crown of weeds, but could not even sustain
Some casual shout that broke the silent air,
Or the unimaginable touch of Time.